Musings on technology.

Improving Default Eclipse Install

For most of my development tasks I use Eclipse, be it plain Java development or IBM Notes plugin development. Starting version 4, Eclipse is not exactly most UX friendly IDE and generaly requires some adjustments. Thankfully, there is a marketplace with a lot of useful plugins. Below you can find a brief list of plugins I use the most:

Eclipse 4 Chrome Theme

Installing this plugin is first thing I do after opening Eclipse for first time. Basically, it fixes all the UX problems introduced in Eclipse 4. It’s specially noticeable on Linux or Mac.

Eclipse Color Theme

Another useful plugin, though without much technical value. It allows use of various color themes for Eclipse editor, which can be downloaded from Eclipse Color Themes website.


I use this plugin for automation of Java files header and comments. I find it very useful for assigning/updating license headers to multiple file in just one click. In addition, it can auto-generate comments for variable and/or methods based on pre-defined templates.

Google CodePro AnalytiX

This plugin is a must for developers who care of code quality. It performs code auditing and informs the developer on various mistakes or issues. It can be installed using an update site. More information can be found on product website. Version for Eclipse Indigo works as well in later versions.

Aside these plugins, I also use Mylin task list, which allows me to track my tasks for project where a full-blown issue tracker would be a killer.

